Our impressive collection of perennial plants is housed in an expansive array of shade structures. Wander in and you’ll find yourself among hosts of peonies, hostas, and daylilies, as well as ornamental grasses. There are milkweeds, daisies, and catmints to attract butterflies to sunny gardens. Ferns and bleeding hearts and hardy plumbago will brighten shady areas. Nearly 1000 different varieties will help you make choices that can add color to your garden from early spring right through autumn. We work hard to include important information on the signage at the nursery, on our plant tags. It is not unusual for one to get lost for a time in “perennial land!”
Our emphasis on native plants continues with our tree varieties. We carry a large selection of redbuds, maples, oaks, and fruit trees. And we look forward to providing you with new dogwood cultivars that are disease resistant. We guarantee that you will find trees here that you’ve never seen before, but if you don’t see something you’re looking for, please ask – we’ll see if we can find it for you! We believe that planting trees is a loving gesture to the future, and want you to succeed with every plant. Don’t hesitate to ask our knowledgeable staff any questions you might have.
We carry an impressive inventory of both native and exotic shrubs, with special emphasis on selections that we know will perform well in this area. Whether you need foundation plants, are building a new border, want to attract birds or butterflies, or need to disguise an unwanted view, chances are our knowledgeable staff will steer you to the right choices.
For seasonal color, annuals are the way to go. Select some of your favorites, or mix up a tray to discover new favorites. These will perk up your garden pots and flower beds during the spring, summer & fall. We always have a selection nearby the checkout, But for the full experience, be sure to meander down to the "Big Greenhouse" to see what's in bloom and what's coming next!
Can't wait for these beauties to pop out every spring! Crocus, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, gladiolas, Asiatic lilies, iris, dahlias and even elephant ears! We carry seed potatoes, garlic and onions as well. Forget to plant in time? We sell blooming bulbs and tubers in season.
We have an assortment of flowering plants and unusual greenery to help keep your ponds and fountains healthy and beautiful.
Plants to brighten your home throughout the year. Many will weather outdoors in summer - just be sure to bring back inside for following year.
These are hardy, easy to maintain favorites. We have dozens of varieties - they look great in pots, garden beds, and fairy gardens.
Have a patch of ground you want covered? We sell sell fast growing grasses and ivy by the plat. We can also recommend perennial varieties that can fill in bare spaces.
You'll find a variety of Heirloom and organic seeds on our "Wall of Seeds," just inside our Garden Shop. And of course, we will have spring & winter veggies in season.
We love tomatoes so much, we have stopped counting how many varieties we plant! Remember to pick up a cage or two, and fertilizer. Just add sun!
Stop by the counter and ask about pricing and availability.
It is common in this area to have problems with deer, excessive wind, or very hot, wet, dry or shady environments (or combinations of the above) and we work to carry plants that will fill your needs in these special circumstances. We boast an unrivaled collection of Hydrangeas, Viburnums, Spireas, and Weigelas, along with new and wonderful cultivars of Hibiscus and Magnolia. Remember our friendly, experienced staff will be more than happy to answer and questions.
Open Monday through Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm & Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
18035 Lincoln Rd | Purcellville, VA 20132 | 540.338.9118 | info@abernethyspencer.com
Copyright © 2021 Abernethy & Spencer Greenhouse & Garden Center - All Rights Reserved.